LUISS大学设有5个学院: 经济学院(Business School) 政治学院(School of Government) 欧洲政治经济学院(School of European Political Economy) 法学院(School of Law) 新闻学院(School of Journalism) 以及4个大系: 企业和管理系 经济和金融系 法律系 政治科学系本科课程包括经济管理、政治学等,硕士课程则有国际关系...
在2016年被意大利国内知名媒体SOLE 24评为综合实力第一的私立学校,高于米兰的bocconi大学和Vita - Salute San Raffaele大学,有着“意大利的哈佛”之称。该校共有5个学院(Business School, School of Government, School of European Political Economy, School of Law, School of Journalism),4个大系(Department of ...
经济学院(Business School)政治学院(School of Government)欧洲政治经济学院(School of European Political Economy)法学院(School of Law)新闻学院(School of Journalism)4个大系:企业和管理系 经济和金融系 法律系 政治科学系 学校本科开设有经济管理、政治学等课程;硕士开设有国际关系、经济与金融、市场营销等课程...
1977年,该大学正式更名为罗马路易斯大学——LUISS(全称Libera universtà Internazionale degli Studi Socia...
presidente Luiss School of Law. 'Questoevento riunisce leader e innovatrici di successo, modelli diispirazione concreta per le nostre studentesse e i nostristudenti. Le loro testimonianze, provenienti da esperienzeprofessionali ed ambiti disciplinari eterogenei: dallatecnologia alla sostenibilita',...
of European Political Economy, School of Law, School of Journalism),4个大系(Department of ...
该校共有5个学院(Business School, School of Government, School of European Political Economy, School of Law, School of Journalism),4个大系(Department of Economics and Finance, Department of Business and Management, Department of Law, Department of Political Science)。
Furthermore, Luiss has four Schools for graduate and professional studies: the Luiss Business School, the School of Government, the School of Law, and the School of European Political Economy. The Luiss Career Service provides students and graduates with valuable support in building their career ...
Luiss Business School, accredited by EQUIS, is the School of Business and Management of University LUISS Guido Carli, in Rome, which leads the development and the growth of individuals and companies. Use the CB Insights Platform to explore Luiss Business
The Luiss Undergraduate Schooloffers Bachelor’s Degree programmes and a Single-Cycle Master’s Degree programme in Law. It adopts a top-class educational model that combines theory and practice, in line with the highest international standards. Students gain a solid foundation as well as interdiscip...