Luigi Pirandello (redirected fromPirandello, Luigi) Dictionary Thesaurus The following article is fromThe Great Soviet Encyclopedia(1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased. Born June 28, 1867, in Girgenti, now Agrigento; died Dec. 10, 1936, in Rome. Italian writer. ...
Pirandello's feelings were often wounded by Stefano's outbursts and hot temper, but he felt quite close to Caterina, whom he perceived as a victim, or a martyr, and thus the personification of abnegation and sacrifice. His father led a libertine way of life, which was common in the bourg...
La videoteca di PirandelloWeb. Opere teatrali in versione integrale ed in diverse edizioni. Interventi e videolezioni. Residenti anche sul nostro canale YouTube. »»» Indice in ordine alfabetico Leggendo le pagine dei romanzi e delle novelle non è difficile intuire la vocazione drammatic...
Luigi Pirandello, Chiose al „Paradiso" di Dante. Edizione critica, introduzione e note a cura di Giuseppe Bolognese, Cinisello Balsamo (Milano): Edizioni San Paolo 1996, 220 S. Die Giuseppe Bolognese1 zu verdankende Entdeckung eines Exemplars der Commedia mit Pirandellos eigenhändigen Erläu...