luhaiyong/anboxmaster 1 BranchTags Code This branch is 325 commits behind anbox/anbox:master.Folders and filesLatest commit morphis Merge pull request anbox#946 from Zjaw/master 1497283· Nov 2, 2018 History1,041 Commits .github Add probot stale configuration Sep 8, 2018...
Makes Linux applications self-contained by copying in the libraries and plugins that the application uses, and optionally generates an AppImage. Can be used for Qt and other applications - GitHub - luhaiyong/linuxdeployqt: Makes Linux applications self-c
运载工具;陆、空、海用运载装置。【1201】火车及其零部件 火车车厢连接器120002,铁路车辆轮缘120033,铁路车辆转向架120047,缆索铁道车辆120... 【1202】汽车、电车、摩托车及其零部件(不包括轮胎) 叉车120001,洒水车120016,公共汽车120018,大客车120019,卡车120022,弹... 【1204】自行车、三轮车及其零部件(不包括轮胎...
首页>商标分类>第十二类>运载工具;陆、空、海用运载装置。 运载工具;陆、空、海用运载装置。 【1210】水用运载工具 船120021,渡船120028,船体120035,船壳120035,船钩头篙120036,船舶转向... 【1211】运载工具零部件 气泵(运载工具附件)120009,运载工具用悬置减震器120010,运载工具用减震弹簧120011,... 首页 上...