*** Seat reservations are not binding and may change due to an unscheduled change Fare overview Premium Economy Premium Economy Basic Premium Economy Basic Plus IIPremium Economy Flex Rebooking:USD 300USD 300free Refund:not allowedUSD 500free Mileage Credit:*100%100%150% Mileage Upgrade:**Not pe...
Please be advised that in order to address your concern regarding your inquiry about, you can contact our local reservations team at +1 800-645 38 80 for more information. We ask for your understanding that at Lufthansa we have dedicated teams who are trained with specific enquiries. Customer...
* For tickets issued before 28 April 2014 seat reservations on intercontinental flights remain free of charge. **The price for a seat with more legroom varies per routing distance. On intercontinental Lufthansa flights to/from North and Central Africa as well as the Middle East, the price is ...