Seating detailsSeat map key PitchWidthSeating details Business3018 28 standard seats Economy3018 138 standard seats In-flight amenities Food Complimentary beverages are provided on all flights. Snack and meal service varies depending on the length of route. ...
Therefore you have not the feeling of being in a huge airplane. Behind you there are 4 to 5 rows of standard economy class, but this is no problem at all, since they have their own toilette. So, overall there is no big traffic in this section, and especially toilettes are not ...
Submitted byAirplane Jon 2018/07/01 June 2018, lots of kids were in business class and they were noisy. We were in the upper deck and took the advice to be in the back of the upper deck because it was less noisy. I think the front of the upper deck may have been better and you...