To the amazement of friend and foe alike, Luffy has continuously defeated people who are renowned throughout the seas for their incredible strength and skill. Luffy has also significantly threatened the balance of the Three Great Powers by defeating three members of the Seven Warlords of the Sea...
Abilities and Powers[] As captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Luffy D. Monkey has immense physical strength, and is capable of lifting up large boulders, breaking stone, shattering steel with his bare hands, pushing apart large buildings and shoulder flipping a huge man; his strength was further...
His rubber powers allowed him to slip into tight spots, evade danger, and make daring escapes. In the shadows, Luffy outwitted criminal masterminds, solving complex chess puzzles to uncover their sinister plans. His legend grew, earning him the nickname "The Chess Pirate." Though his path ...
Imagine complete freedom to reshape his body, use all haki at will, and alter his surroundings according to his whims. Advantages: Unlocking Unprecedented Power Gear 5 gives Luffy the most significant upgrade yet in his abilities. It’s the pinnacle of Luffy’s powers, with virtually limitless ...
With Stats Equal Goku would win after a good fight via Ultra Instinct Autododge, long range energy attacks, AOE Blasts, Telekinesis, shield creation to block Luffy's fire power, and Teleportation. Goku's simply more versatile with superior H2H abilities. But Luffys immunity to blunt force, ru...
acquire the fruit for centuries regardless of the cost.The Giants of Elbafare already among the most powerful and feared beings in existence, so it makes sense to be even more wary of the Nika fruit if it can control robots of such stature with even greater destructive powers and abilities....
This kind of Devil Fruit gives its user the powers and abilities of a mythological creature, in this case, a mysterious "god" from One Piece's ancient past called "Sun God Nika". The World Government is so afraid of this fruit that they hid its true name and unsuccessfully tried to ...
we have also mentioned the powers and abilities of the latest Gear 5 technique and the awakening of his (actual) devil fruit. The Gear 5 episode aired in late 2023, and it shattered the internet and the records I hoped it would. Also, which is your favorite Luffy gear technique and why...
Powers & Abilities Physical Abilities Enhanced Strength:As captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, Monkey D. Luffy has immense physical strength and is capable of lifting up large boulders, breaking stone, shattering steel with his bare hands, pushing apart large buildings, and shoulder flipping a huge...
Abilities and Powers History East Blue Paradise Summit War New World Whole Cake Wano Final Non-Canon Misc.Ahoy! This here is the 1st Featured Article. "Monkey D. Luffy" has been featured, meaning it was chosen as an article of interest.Monkey...