's versatility as an actress is evident from her diverse roles, encompassing various genres, including crime drama series Elementary (2012-2019), where she played Dr. Joan Watson and lent her voice to Master Viper in the animated film series Kung Fu Panda. However, Lucy Liu's talents extend...
Lucy Liu first became a household name playing Ling Woo in the Emmy-winning series "Ally McBeal," and she's starred in hit movies like "Charlie's Angels" and "Kill Bill." She currently stars in the CBS crime drama"Elementary"as Dr. Joan Watson, Sherlock Holmes' investigative partner. In...
how she found her Dune character alongside Emily Watson. Barden also offers her thoughts on a number of key scenes for Valya this season, and pinpoints what she’d love to see happen in the show’s recently announced second season. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more ...