Lucy in the Sky: Directed by Noah Hawley. With Natalie Portman, Jon Hamm, Zazie Beetz, Dan Stevens. Astronaut Lucy Cola returns to Earth after a transcendent experience during a mission to space, and begins to lose touch with reality in a world that now
“Spartacus: House of Ashur will be a history-bending, erotic, thrilling, roller-coaster experience that builds on everything that made the original series a colossal hit,” reads Starz’s synopsis. “The series poses the question: what if Ashur, played by fan favorite Nick Tarabay, hadn’t...
atomic war may bring swift incineration or painful death from radiation. With a shelter, one can survive with one’s loved ones…at least until the air and food runs out or the radiation finds its way in.
SYNOPSIS Read & Play Puppet Theater allows you to not only read your favorite fairy tales, but also act them out on stage! Read & Play Puppet Theater allows you to not only read your favorite fairy tales, but also act them out on stage. The box can be used as a stage and contains ...
Photos View All Lucy in the Sky photos Lucy in the Sky View more photos Movie Info Synopsis After an awe-inspiring experience in outer space, an astronaut returns to Earth and starts to lose touch with reality in a world that now seems too small. Director Noah Hawley Producer Reese ...