Lucy Calkins是教育领域颇具影响力的人物,她不仅是一位作家,还是哥伦比亚大学教育学院读写专业项目联合主任。她对美国读写教育的影响是极具变革性的。 VSP teachers, like our students, are perpetual learners. Recently, four of our educators...
本月,维多利亚有幸邀请到了著名的美国教育专家Lucy Calkins教授及其专业团队,分别在香港和上海举办阅读和写作研讨会,帮助幼儿园到小学高年级的教师学习和掌握阅读和写作单元,深入了解儿童的读写发展。 Lucy Calkins教授是Mossflower Reading and Writing Project(原哥大读写计划TCRWP)的创始人。她在哥伦比亚大学教育学院任教...
Notably, Victoria Park Academy (VPA) in Shenzhen has officially become the first practice base for Professor Lucy Calkins' English Reading and Writing Program in China. In the days to come, the school will have more exchange...
Lucy Calkins Units of Study Series for teaching reading and teaching writing from the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project.
“Clever,” I commented. “Shades of meaning. I like it.” “I got it from Lucy Calkins,” Rachel said, crediting the influential author and founding director of the Teachers College Reading and Writing Project at Columbia University. “Her idea. I just ran with it.”...
Keynotes by Professor Calkins include 💡What Matters Most When Teaching Writing 💡“If you don't have a dream, how are you going to have a dream come true?” Develop an Image of Best Practices in Teaching Reading ...