In the Chinese language, there are loads of interesting homophonic or double-entendre words. Chinese people love to use these puns in their daily lives, and it has become an important part of the culture. In particular, people love to take homophonic meanings and connect them as lucky words....
Today we will talk about some “Luck Words” in spring festival. It's very important you know how to say a couple of them in Chinese new year. 今天我们就来聊聊吉祥话,在过年期间,亲戚朋友见面,我们通常要说吉祥话,这是一种祝福。 In Chin...
In China, lucky numbers have pronunciations that are similar to words with lucky meanings. The number 8 holds great meaning as a lucky number. In some ways, 2, 6 and 9 are considered lucky.Combinations (组合) of the above are also regarded as lucky numbers, such as 66, 88 and 168.4 ...
“BamianlACai” means “wealth (财富) coming in from all corners (角落) of the world” “Bamianchunlong” means “spring wind from eight directions (方向)” These words have a good wish. Wherever people go, or whatever they are working on, they will have good luck.Chinese people would...
中国新年里,人们相见问候时会说许多吉祥话。例如“恭喜发财”、“万事如意”、“工作顺利”、“身体健康”、“财源滚滚”等等。 In Chinese New years people will say many lucky words when greeting each other, such as "May you be happy and prosperous", ...
ain Chinese culture, there are many lucky symbols. many things can be lucky:animals, food , plants, colors, and so are a few, with the reasons they are lucky: animals: fish 在中国文化,有许多幸运的标志。 许多事可以是幸运的:动物,食物,植物,颜色,并且如此on.here是一些,以原因他们...
Words: 吉祥(jíxiáng): lucky, propitious, auspicious 吉星(jíxīng): lucky star 吉日(írì): lucky day 吉他(jítā): guitar 吉祥物(jíxiángwù): mascot Sentences: 1、ZhōngGuórén jiéhūn dōu xǐhuan zhǎo ge jírì. 中国人结婚都喜欢找个吉日。
Dragons in Chinese culture represent the greatest royalty, strength, prosperity. The ancient emperors of China were regarded as the sons of dragons.Chinese puns(谐音)In the Chinese language, there are lots of interesting homophonic words (双关语). Chinese people love to use these puns in their ...
Chinese like to link numbers to pronunciation. People believe the numbers 6, 8, and 9 have lucky sounds similar to words that have good meanings. For example, "fa" in Chinese, which is like "wealth". So people like it. Some people are willing to spend much money on numbers. For ...
Discover the meaning of lucky and unlucky numbers in Chinese culture! Learn why 8 (bā) brings wealth, 9 (jiǔ) symbolizes longevity, and why 4 (sì) is avoided