Shop Lucky Brand for a relaxed but put-together style that is uniquely American. Shop quality shirts, jackets, denim jeans, and accessories for both men and women.
Lucky Brand Jeans makes premium vintage-inspired jeans and clothing. Built to last, Shop the official outlet shop and a fit for everyone.
◆ 幸运牛仔 (Lucky Brand Jeans)品牌简介 幸运牛仔 (Lucky Brand Jeans) 是一家在美国加利福利亚州弗农地区的牛仔服装公司,由Gene Montesano和Barry Perlman创立于1990年。所有幸运牛仔 (Lucky Brand Jeans) 的产品上都有两片四叶幸运草和那句“LUCKY ME!”还有“LUCKY YOU!”,这两句标语分别被缝制在里襟的内外...
Lucky Brand Jeans Lucky Brand designs and produces denim, sportswear, knits, wovens, outerwear, T-shirts and active wear. Lucky is your source for fashionable jeans, skirts and dresses, jewelry, pan...Show More App Deal Alert Scan QRcode to get Dealmoon app ...
商标名称 LUCKY BRAND JEANS 国际分类 第26类-钮扣拉链 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 11119513 申请日期 2012-06-25 申请人名称(中文) 高要市森景制衣有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 广东省高要市白土镇文华小区(冼品煊宅) 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 - 注册公告...
Lucky Brand Jeans现有精选男女牛仔裤一律$29.99促销,无需用码,折后价显示在页面处;牛仔裤国内价格在500左右不等订单满$75美国境内免运费,活动随时可能截止;Lucky Brand 的衣服带有一点摇滚一点复古又有一点民
The article reports that Lucky Brand Jeans will launch Lucky Brand Spectacles, a complete collection of retro eyewear for men and women. Under a licensing agreement with REM Eyewear, Lucky Brand Spectacles will develop new sunwear and optical frame collections geared to optical retailers, department ...
Lucky Brand $20 $85 Size 10 Size Chart Buy Now Like and save for later Add To Bundle Like New Womens Lucky Brand Lolita Boot Cut Jeans Size 10/30. Category Women Jeans Boot Cut Color Blue Shipping/Discount Seller Discount: 30% off 2+ Bundle $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) ...
今天美亚的金盒特价是Lucky Brand幸运牌的牛仔裤,5折专场,相对李维斯、LEE等品牌更善于在细节处下功夫,做工更考究,所以价位也偏高点。 Lucky Brand幸运牌牛仔裤诞生于上世纪70年代的美国,主打摇滚复古的风格,比较适合年轻人穿着。Lucky Brand总部纽约,属于全世界最大的多品牌公司之一美国Liz Claiborne Inc.集团旗下。
【Lucky Brand Jeans 7折+折扣区享额外9折】 Coca-Cola T恤$12.58: APP内一键下单: 高腰牛仔裤只要$21就能入手,配上小白鞋清清爽爽:吊带背心超...