我的世界1.16.5幸运方块竞赛Lucky Block Race地图存档由作者“WopAnanas”所制作。 在Lucky Block Race地图里,你可以和你的朋友们一起打破各个幸运方块。其中最幸运的玩家将会赢得比赛,他将能够第一个通过这个艰难的竞赛地图。 在前进的道路上,你会遇到所有你必须克服的各种障碍和阻碍,相信好运一定会降临在你身边的。
Parameters declared as byte, java.lang.Byte, short, java.lang.Short, int, java.lang.Integer, long, or java.lang.Long, will accept any block that returns a number and will round that value to the nearest whole number. Parameters declared as float, java.lang.Float, double, java.lang.Doubl...
BlockEtw - .Net Assembly to block ETW telemetry in current process HiveJack - This tool can be used during internal penetration testing to dump Windows credentials from an already-compromised host. It allows one to dump SYSTEM, SECURITY and SAM hives and once copied to the attacker machines...
[#227] Fixed race condition in thread-safe queue [#224] & [#255] Subscribing to MQTT v3 broker with array of one topic causes segfault. [#282] Ability to build Debian/Ubuntu package [#300] Callingreconnect()was hanging forever, even when successful. In addition several of the synchronous...
Go test -race You can find a genericgit-hookfile, which can be used as a pre-push (or pre-commit) hook to automatically ensure these tests are passed before committing any code. Only Go packages insrc/github.com/getlanternwill be tested, and only those that have changes in them. ...
setRenderType(GSYVideoType.SUFRACE); GSYVideoType.setRenderType(GSYVideoType.GLSURFACE); GSYVideoType.setRenderType(GSYVideoType.TEXTURE); //ijk关闭log IjkPlayerManager.setLogLevel(IjkMediaPlayer.IJK_LOG_SILENT); //exoplayer自定义MediaSource ExoSourceManager.setExoMediaSourceInterceptListener(new Exo...