SERP Lucky blocks is the ultimate lucky blocks Add-On, it allows you to craft a magic block that when you hit it will open and give way to any of multiple actions including traps, mobs, buildings, loots and potion effects! At the moment it has more than 110 programmed actions but many...
What they've been asking for for so long, a Lucky Block addon that generates structures, mobs, drops, potion effects and much more, plus not only was one lucky block added, but seven more blocks. Added 8 more blocks, the unfortunate block that breaking it most of the time bad things ...
- Fire luckyblock addon - Realistic lucky block - Lucky block race - One block classic - Rainbow lucky race - Survival Lucky block Make the coolest Minecraft PE lucky block mod and share your favorite mods for Minecraft with us in channels: ...
Lava Lucky Block Addon (1.18.1, 1.16.5) 是Lucky Block Mod 的 Addon 版本,为您带来 Lava Lucky Block的全新体验. JeriosMods 开发了 lava Lucky Block Addon 来带来有趣的体验、不平衡的东西和超能力的东西。如果您足够幸运,请尝试安装 Lava Lucky Block Addon 并享受它。除了危险的东西,打破熔岩幸运块时...
This mod will generate new lucky blocks worldwide of Minecraft PE. There are 6 different lucky blocks, for example diamond lucky block will give random number of diamond blocks or random diamond items.
This addon is designed specifically for gamblers in Minecraft, players who like random. Lucky Chests-this chests, opening which you can get random items, such as building blocks and other useful items.
1.8 Lucky Block Combat Update - Please Check out my Planet Minecraft And Youtube Channel ! NetherWrecker -
Project ID 243664 License All Rights Reserved Game VersionsView all 1.8 Categories Lucky Blocks Main File 1.8 Lucky Block Nether ReleaseR 1.8 May 31, 2016 Recent FilesView all Minecraft 1.8 Lucky Block Nether ReleaseR 1.8 May 31, 2016 Members _ForgeUser24316869OwnerReport ...
You will need to use BlockLauncher or a similar app to play this addon for Minecraft PE.You will need to install the original Minecraft Pocket Edition App to play using this Minecraft addon.DISCLAIMER: NOT AN OFFICIAL MINECRAFT PRODUCT. NOT APPROVED BY OR ASSOCIATED WITH MOJANG. This mod for...
幸运方块行为包增加了令人兴奋的游戏元素。它看起来只是一个简单的块,但它实际上是一个可以杀死的实体。一旦被杀死,随机事件会发生。如果你幸运的话,你可能会得到很多有价值的东西,但是有时会发生更糟糕的事情,比如输出凋零。 创建者:Sprintermax,Twitter账号 ...