图表阅读The Lucky and Unlucky Things for Monkey Year, 2016Lucky numbers: 4 and 9Lucky days: the 14th and 28th of any Chinese Lunar Calendar monthLucky colors: white, blue, goldLucky flowers: chrysanthemum, crape-myrtleLucky directions: north, northweast, westLucky months: Chinese lunar months ...
中英lucky and unlucky Breakingtheeggintopieces.---Driveaway theevilhidedintheegg.•Touchwood!---avoidingbadluckandbringinggoodluck.Whenpeoplesayheisalwayshealthy,hewillkickthetable,andatthesametime,Hewillsay“touchwood!”•Rabbitfoots ---referringtothepeopleorthingsthatcanbringgoodluck.•Four-leaf...
Lucky or Unlucky ,小学英语 ,1分钟 Lucky or Unlucky There was an old man named Sai Weng. He lived on the northern borders. He kept many horses. One day, one horse was missing. His neighbours came to comfort him when they heard the news. Howev...
There are four main psychological principles that separate lucky people from unlucky ones. 有四个主要的心理学原理将幸运之人和不幸之人区分开来。 So first of all, lucky people are more open to opportunities, spotting them and making the most of them. 首先,幸运之人对机会更开放,发现机会并充分利用...
For example, during wedding celebrations (婚礼庆典), you usually find pairs of red candles, double pillows and many other things in pairs. And people often give gifts in pairs for someone’s birthday, wedding or other celebrations. So what’s an unlucky number in China? It might be 4. ...
been thought to be lucky, while others are considered unlucky. And it's not just Western culture that has done this. Cultures in Japan, China, India, and Afric a have done the same thing, but for different reasons. Let's take a look at some commonly known lucky and unlucky numbers to...
Just then, neighbors understood the old man. 这时,邻居们才终于理解了这位老人。 Good things and bad things can be exchanged. Bad things can become good things, and good things can become bad things. 好事和坏事是可以转换的。坏事可以...
There aren’t many things scarier than a bad movie, and director David DeCoteau’s1313quasi-gay-horror films are the ultimate in film frights. This is a collection of over a dozen low budget films full of monsters, aliens, crazed killers, and hot boys. While Netflix lists these as “Ga...
Like people all over the world, Chinese people also associate luck with various things and numbers. 8 is the luckiest number, while 4 is an unlucky number.
Let's see some of the lucky(幸运的) and unlucky numbers in the world.②As for the number 3, people in Sweden think all good things come in threes.But people in Japan don't think so. They don't like taking photos when there are only3 people. They think something bad will come for...