lucius malfoy 读音:美英 lucius malfoy基本解释 卢修斯.马尔福;卢修斯;卢修斯·马尔福;卢修斯马尔福;卢修斯 马尔福 分词解释 Lucius卢修斯(m.) malfoy错误:处理后的字符串为空。
卢修斯·马尔福 (Lucius Malfoy)(生于1954年),通常被称为卢修斯·马尔福二世,是个纯血统巫师,阿布拉克萨斯·马尔福的儿子、纳西莎·布莱克的丈夫,以及德拉科·马尔福的父亲。卢修斯就读于霍格沃茨魔法学校,在校期间曾担任斯莱特林级长一职。成年后,卢修斯是个巫师贵族,也是马尔福家的一家之主,强烈信奉血统纯正以及纯血统...
Lucius Malfoy and his fellow Death Eaters By the height of the war, Lucius had risen ambitiously through the ranks of the Dark Lord's followers and even placed in charge of his fellow Death Eaters, becoming second-in-command to their Master himself; a time Lucius would later go on to ...
Lucius Malfoy 【文】卢修斯·马尔福《哈利·波特》中食死徒,德拉科·马尔福(Draco Malfoy)的父亲 Draco Malfoy 【文】德拉科·马尔福《哈利·波特》中斯莱特林学院的学生,哈利·波特在霍格沃茨的主要敌人。 lucius clay n. (= Lucius Clay) 卢修斯·克莱(1897-1978)美国陆军上将 esox lucius phr. 白斑狗鱼 ...
Lucius Malfoy 【文】卢修斯·马尔福《哈利·波特》中食死徒,德拉科·马尔福(Draco Malfoy)的父亲 genus draco phr. 一种爬行类属,常被成为飞蜥 Luders lines (吕德斯线) 滑动迹线 Gr Br 大不列颠 dracaena draco 【医】 龙血树 Daemonorops draco 【医】 麒麟竭[树] Laplace (拉普拉斯) 拉氏 Calamus draco ...
卢修斯.马尔福 Lu..卢修斯.马尔福 Lucius Malfoy 年龄:41或42(出生于1954年) 学院:斯莱特林 技能:卢修斯是一名食死徒,对黑魔法非常擅长。按照伏地魔的命令,在攻击
必应词典为您提供luciusmalfoy的释义,网络释义: 卢修斯马尔福;鲁休思马份;卢修司;
El actor habló sobre su experiencia interpretando a Lucius Malfoy en la saga Últimas Noticias Marco Antonio Solís sorprende bailando la canción que Kendrick Lamar cantó en el Super Bowl 2025 El cantante mexicano decidió complacer a sus fans y sumarse a un fenómeno de internet Aseguran “...
Don't let his lovely long, flowing hair fool you—Lucius Malfoy is a total snob who loves to show off his money and brag about his connections to certain dark wizards. Oh, and did we mention he's a racist, too? Wow. This guy has everything going for him. This is the first time...
The 照片 is not mine / La foto no me pertenece Lucius Malfoy added by sweetlove7 Source: MuggleNet Lucius Malfoy added by sweetlove7 Source: MuggleNet Lucius Malfoy added by sweetlove7 Source: MuggleNet Lucius 照片 from the COS added by doctor_banana Lucius 照片 from the COS added by doctor...