Lucifer is the King of Earth and King of Hell. He was cast out of the Heavens bythe archangel Michael. Before his Fall, theangel Luciferwas the fairest and noblest of created things. The cause of his fall was pride, who falls like lightning from heaven. He is now as foul as he was...
I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Lucifer Lucifer A friction match. Satan (Judeo-Christian and Islamic religions) chief spirit of evil and adversary of God; tempter of mankind; master of Hell Lucifer A self-igniting match, ie. one which could be lit by striking on any surface...
The black and bloody sockets even “stare down” at Jon and the rest, like stars falling from the heavens. The black and bloody tide first falls from the heavens, and then it rises from the depths – this is that two part association with the blood tide that I was referring to – fir...
60 、Lucifer was an angel before he fell.─── 路西法在坠落前也是个天使 61 、And God is not very generous, as you can see in the bible, so he abandoned Lucifer away from the heaven.───我有意见的是,当有心人士利用这些风俗习惯而牟取自己的利益,这点是我不认同的。 62 、It is believ...
There are characters similar to Lucifer in other mythologies. In Egypt, there is a serpent god, Sata, whi is father of lightning and who likewise fell to earth. A Babylonian god, Zu, was also a lightning god who fell as a fiery flying serpent. ...
"The morning star, God's most trusted angel, who fell from grace and became Satan." —PSX profile In the original PlayStation version, Lucifer is stated to be the same being as Satan and the brother of Michael. Persona 2: Eternal Punishment[] Lucifer is the ultimate Persona of the Dev...
"Yes…what is it?" Michael asked kindly. He had a smile on his face but his eyes looked sad, and calm, like they usually did. "Another angel fell today, her name was Raynare" Gabriel said sadly. Michael frowned at this news, their numbers were already low and with new angels fallin...
Pierce scoffs at this theory, and Lucifer suggests that Pierce's vulnerability came from acting selflessly, not Chloe's love. "You fell in love with the detective, Pierce, not the other way around," Lucifer says. "She never loved you." As far as delivering a devastating set-down to your...