"To the point, the verse in the King James version (Isaiah 14:12) that begins "How art thou fallen from heaven, 0 Lucifer..." has now been translated directly from the Hebrew in the New English Biible as "How you have fallen from heaven, bright morning star..." There is no mentio...
"Lucifer makes his appearance in the fourteenth chapter of the Old Testament book of Isaiah, at the twelfth verse, and nowhere else: "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" The first problem...
While he ended 2023 on a high note with the success of Neru in December, his two major releases this year fell short of expectations, failing to impress both critics and audiences alike.At the start of 2024, his much-anticipated, big-budget collaboration with director Lijo Jose Pellissery,...
“And notwithstanding he compares him to lightning, and says that he fell from heaven, that he might show by this that he had been at one time in heaven, and had had a place among the saints, and had enjoyed a share in that light in which all the saints participate, by which they ...
The Conception of Terror: Review: Volume 1.4: A View From a Hill The Dark is Rising: Review: Episodes 1 to 6: Midwinter Eve / Midwinter Day / The Sign-Seeker / The Walker on the Old Way / The Book of Gramarye / The Opening of the Present The Dark is Rising: Review: Series 1 Ep...
• You cannot put Lucifer as the opposite of God because at the time he held that name, Lucifer was good as an angel can be. However, you can definitely say that Satan is opposite to God because that is after Lucifer fell from heaven and became an evil being. This is another importa...