Installation pnpm add lucide-react npm install lucide-react yarn add lucide-react bun add lucide-react Documentation For full documentation, Community Join theDiscord serverto chat with the maintainers and other users. License
npm install lucide-react-native yarn add lucide-react-native bun add lucide-react-native Documentation For full documentation, visit Community Join the Discord server to chat with the maintainers and other users. License Lucide is licensed under the ISC license. See LICENSE. Sponsors Aw...
Install lucide-react latest And try to import lucide-react/dynamicIconImports and run the app. Eg: importdynamicIconImportsfrom"lucide-react/dynamicIconImports";importReactfrom"react";exportconstgetDynamicIcon=(name:keyoftypeofdynamicIconImports)=>{constLucideIcon=React.lazy(dynamicIconImports[name]);...
- name: Install Dependencies run: npm install - name: Clean dist directory run: rm -rf dist/* - name: Compile TypeScript run: npm run build - name: NPM Whoami and Dry Run Publish run: | npm whoami npm publish --dry-run env: NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{secrets.NPM_TOKEN}} - name: ...
INSTALL Version: Static Open in jsfiddle Learn more ReadmeFilesStatisticsBrowse CDN Statistics Requests0 Bandwidth0 Top version -0 @metamist/lucide-react Files are loading... Selected files No files selected. Select the files you want to use using the switches on the left....
Installnpm i vite-plugin-lucide-react-fuzzy -DUsageimport { defineConfig } from 'vite'; import lucideReactFuzzy from 'vite-plugin-lucide-react-fuzzy'; export default defineConfig({ plugins: [ lucideReactFuzzy() ], });Importing iconsimport { Clock, Foobar } from 'lucide-react'; <Clock ...
@react-three/uikit-lucide lucide icons for r3/uikit npm i @react-three/uikit-lucide Readme Keywords lucide uikit icons threejs r3f Install npm i@react-three/uikit-lucide Version 0.8.12 Tryon RunKit Reportmalware
Install the package using npm: ```bash npm i lucide-icon-component ``` Usage Import the Icon component and use it in your project: ```jsx Copy code import Icon from 'lucide-icon-component'; function App() { return <Icon icon="expand" size={17} />; } ``` Props icon (string):...
npm install @react-native-vector-icons/lucide ``` ## Usage ```js import Lucide from '@react-native-vector-icons/lucide'; // ... <Lucide name="house" color="#ff0000" size={20} /> ``` ## Contributing See the [contributing guide](../../ to learn how to con...
Installation npm install @react-native-vector-icons/lucide Usage importLucidefrom'@react-native-vector-icons/lucide';// ...<Lucidename="house"color="#ff0000"size={20}/> Contributing See thecontributing guideto learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow. ...