npm install lucide-react yarn add lucide-react bun add lucide-react Documentation For full documentation, Community Join theDiscord serverto chat with the maintainers and other users. License Lucide is licensed under the ISC license. SeeLICENSE. ...
npm install lucide-react-native yarn add lucide-react-native bun add lucide-react-native Documentation For full documentation, visit Community Join the Discord server to chat with the maintainers and other users. License Lucide is licensed under the ISC license. See LICENSE. Sponsors Aw...
安装Lucide npm install lucide 使用装Lucide import {Users, } from "lucide-react"; <Users/>
A simple, type-safe React component for displaying Lucide icons with autocomplete functionality. Installation npm i lucide-icon-component Usage import Icon from 'lucide-icon-component'; <Icon icon="user-check" size={24} />; Autocomplete The icon prop is type-safe, so you can use autocomplete...
A free, fast, and reliable CDN for @metamist/lucide-react. A Lucide icon library package for React applications
npminstalllucide-vue-next ``` For more details, see thedocumentation. Angular ```sh yarnaddlucide-angular #or npminstalllucide-angular ``` For more details, see thedocumentation. Preact Implementation of the lucide icon library for preact applications. ...
npm install @icon-park/react --save 简单使用 import{Home}from'@icon-park/react';<Home/><Home theme="filled"/> 封装一下,避免每个页面导入,更换图标库也更方便 import{Home}from'@icon-park/react';constIcons={home:Home}exportdefaultIcons; ...
トライアルを開始30.51%トライアルを開始17.81%トライアルを開始9.68%npmjs.com6.65%obsidian.md6.31%reflex.dev3.1%48 その他25.93%すべて見る リファラルウェブサイト54 lucide.devへのディスプレイ広告トラフィック lucide.devにトラフィックを送信している上位パブリッシャーの分析 シェア ...
Bir deneme başlatın30.51%Bir deneme başlatın17.81%Bir deneme başlatın9.68%npmjs.com6.65%obsidian.md6.31%reflex.dev3.1%48 Diğerleri25.93%Tümünü göster Yönlendirme Kaynağı Web Siteleri54 Reklam Trafiğini Görüntüle: web sitesine en ço...
A simple, type-safe React component for displaying Lucide icons with autocomplete functionality. Installation npm i lucide-icon-component Usage import Icon from 'lucide-icon-component'; <Icon icon="user-check" size={24} />; Autocomplete The icon prop is type-safe, so you can use autocomplete...