Discover the lake by pedaling. Enjoy your free time on the water and get to know the Lucerne lake basin from a different perspective. Discover now Lucerne lakeside promenade The city walk takes you past the landing stages, over the pier and along the lakeshore. The perfect place for a stro...
卢塞恩湖 Lake Lucerne 景点 酒店 美食林 购物 跟团游 当地活动 自由行 周边游热门卢塞恩湖游记 梦想之地——2019初夏瑞士德国游 一年前的6月正和女儿在瑞士德国悠闲的度假,那是自少年时就梦想的地方,如今想来干什么都要趁早啊,想去哪 1.0万 23卢塞恩湖出行超市 特价机票超值低价 自由行组合随心 跟团游无忧...
琉森(卢塞恩)湖区(Lucerne – Lake Lucerne Region) 在地图上显示 Lake Lucerne Navigation Company (SGV) AG Impressions Top Events 显示全部Top Events until 303月 Sven Drühl. Künstler, Sammler, Theoretiker. Faszination 19. Jahrhundert 琉森, 21.11.2024 - 30.03.2025 ...
Lake Lucerne (卢塞恩湖) 阿尔伯特·比尔施塔特(Albert Bierstadt) 简介 阿尔伯特·比尔施塔特(Albert Bierstadt) 美国画家 阿尔伯特·比尔施塔特(Albert Bierstadt)是一位德裔美国风景画家,以其绘制的美国西部风景画名噪一时。他参与了多次的西部扩张旅行,是最早开始绘制美国西部风景的画家之一。
Lake Lucerne, principal lake of central Switzerland, surrounded by the cantons of Lucerne, Nidwalden, Uri, and Schwyz. The lake is named after the city of Lucerne, which lies at its western end. The lake is most beautifully situated between steep limestone mountains, the best-known being the...
Discover the Lucerne-Lake Lucerne region with mountain destinations such as Rigi, Titlis or Pilatus, Lake Lucerne and the city of Lucerne.
Spend your holidays in the city of Lucerne and discover the diversity of the Lucerne-Lake Lucerne Region. The City. The Lake. The Mountains.
Lake Lucerne 湖水湛蓝,天鹅悠哉,风光旖旎 首页 全部景点 卢塞恩湖 琉森湖位于瑞士中部,是瑞士的第四大湖,也是完全位于瑞士境内第一大湖。驶出港口,游客可以欣赏到老城的全景,琉森的地标 - 横跨在罗伊斯河(Reuss)上的教堂桥和八角水塔,城墙上的9个钟塔和教堂的尖顶,教堂桥方后山坡上的白色Gutsch城堡常常被人称为瑞...
Lakefront Location In a truly breathtaking location directly on the shores of Lake Lucerne and just a short stroll from the charming medieval old town, Mandarin Oriental Palace, Luzern is ideally situated to make the most of the city. Enjoying this perfect proximity, the hotel's surroundings are...
Lucerne lake is located in the middle of Switzerland, between the four forest states. The four forest states include Luzern, URI, Schwyz and the former unterwalden (i.e. the current upper and lower Walden). The lake area is about 115.2km2, which is the fifth largest lake in Switzerland....