来自互联网 4 . One,lucerneindustry is preliminary form. 苜蓿产业初步形成. 来自互联网 5 . It islucernegrass. 一是苜蓿草. 来自互联网 网络释义 -lucerne 1 . 卢塞恩 瑞士的几个重要城市、主要景点、山峰是什么?(中文英文) ... 苏黎世 Zurich 卢塞恩/琉森 Lucerne 伯尔尼 Bern. ...
and lucerne grass (mixture of Medicago sativa L. with Festuca pratensis Huds. and Phleum pratense L.) as reference crops. The cup plant attained maximum rooting depths of 80–240 cm. The root length density was comparable to that of maize, but markedly lower than that of lucerne grass....
Vartha EW (1973) Performance of lucerne-grass pastures on Wakanui silt loam. New Zealand Journal of Experimental Agriculture 1, 29-34. doi:10.1080/03015521.1973.10427609Vartha, E. W. 1973 . Performance of lucerne-grass pastures on Wakanui silt loam. New Zealand journal of experimental agriculture...
On tap for 2012 will be a replacement for Buick's againLucerne. 值得为2012年将取代别克的再次卢塞恩. 互联网 One ,lucerneindustry is preliminary form. 苜蓿产业初步形成. 互联网 It islucernegrass. 一是苜蓿草. 互联网 At noon, we go to the LakeLucerne, the weather is very good ~!
LUCERNE-GRASS MIXTURES 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 9 作者: N Cullen 摘要: The sowing of a grass with lucerne is not a common practice in the south and is confined largely to the drier districts of Canterbury, Marlborough, and Otago. DOI: 10.33584/jnzg.1960.22.1114 年份: ...
So, pastures of Matua prairie grass and Maru phalaris (both with lucerne), and of Nui ryegrass with white clover, were added to the existing system. Comparison between this extended system and lucerne-Tama was made over 3 years. For the lucerne-Tama system, hay produced was only 53% of ...
Thesaurus Medical Wikipedia Lucerne(lo͞osûrnˈ), Ger.Luzern(lo͞otsĕrnˈ), canton (1993 pop. 331,800), 576 sq mi (1,492 sq km), central Switzerland. Drained by the Reuss and Kleine Emme rivers, Lucerne is mainly an agricultural and pastoral region, with orchards and large ...
Lucerne trees are a lifesaver at this time of the year in the Klein Karoo. The intense summer heat quickly dries out the grasses and veld plants, and so having a continuous supply of fresh green feed to add to dried grass bales, provides the livestock with good nutritional feed throughout...
The yield and composition of lucerne, grass and clover under different systems of management. 6. Residual fertility. fertilitylucerneyieldsFor part 5 see Title 333, Vol. 35.DAVIES, W. EjwsJournal of the British Grassland SocietyDAVIES, W. E.; DAVIES, R. O. 1956... WE Davies - 《...
This speciesinwhich the planting of Maralfalfa grass predominates, are cultivars (varieties) of high forage yields with 350 hay bales per hectare per cut, of 23 kilos each, since in symbiosis the species can fix from 15 to 50% of their needs with nitrogen from the air. ...