Luc Belaire Rare Luxe, Burgundy, France 卢克贝莱尔稀有奢华起泡酒 点击次数:415 Loading zoom 酒款年份 NV 下一页 上一页 酒款类型: 起泡酒 酒庄: 产区: 法国France 酿酒葡萄: 霞多丽 100% 风味特征: 杏 金银花 奶油蛋卷 酒款年份: NV年 国内市场参考价:...
BUY RARE LUXE Luxe Rosé Belaire Luxe Rosé epitomizes the qualities that have made the wines in our range so popular: classic taste, superb drinkability, and striking, stylish packaging. Luxe Rosé is an extraordinary wine from grape to glass, tailor-made to please crowds, anytime of year...
迄今为止只生产了两瓶,一瓶装的是 Belaire's Rare Rosé,另一瓶装的是 Luc Belaire Luxe 半干红葡萄酒。这两瓶瓶子都将进行全球巡演,邀请名人、创作者和粉丝尝试通过定制的滑轮系统举起它们,任何有足够力量举起这个 40 英寸高的巨大容器的人都会获得奖品。
BUY RARE LUXE Luxe Rosé Belaire Luxe Rosé epitomizes the qualities that have made the wines in our range so popular: classic taste, superb drinkability, and striking, stylish packaging. Luxe Rosé is an extraordinary wine from grape to glass, tailor-made to please crowds, anytime of year...
容量:45 升,相當於 60 標準瓶 Belaire 高度:超過 1 米或 40 英吋 直徑:29.21 厘米,相當於 11.5 英吋 圓周:91.76 厘米,相當於 36.12 英吋 滿重:160 磅或 72.5 千克 葡萄酒:Luc Belaire Rare Rosé 和 Luc Belaire Luxe 氣泡:每瓶 Belaire ZEUS 含三十億個氣泡*** ...
BUY RARE LUXE Luxe Rosé Belaire Luxe Rosé epitomizes the qualities that have made the wines in our range so popular: classic taste, superb drinkability, and striking, stylish packaging. Luxe Rosé is an extraordinary wine from grape to glass, tailor-made to please crowds, anytime of year...
Luc Belaire Rare Luxe, Burgundy, France 年份全部年份 NV 国内市场参考价:¥暂无价格信息 (NV年份) 产区 法国 品种霞多丽100% 风味特征杏 金银花 奶油蛋卷 酒款综述 这是一款来自法国的起泡酒,由100%霞多丽葡萄品种酿制而成,补液(Dosage)阶段加入了来自夏布利经橡木陈酿的酒液增加风味。此酒款采用华丽的...