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古今诗词 > 汉语词典 > caoluan caoluancaoluan的同音词,近音词及组词语有:嘈乱.caoluan中文含义解释:下表包含 caoluan 相关词语 拼音 什么意思 解释等。共查找到拼音“caoluan组词语” 1 个 嘈乱 cáo luàn ⒈ 声音杂乱貌。[查看详情] 1 最近查询: ailin aibao guangyuangong anai anshe anju yangpan...
【来源】禾本科乱草Eragrostis tenella (L.)Beauv. ex Schult.,以全草入药。 【生境分布】长江以南和西南地区。 更多: 【性味】咸,平。 【功能主治】清热凉血。主治咳血,吐血。 【用法用量】2两,水煎服。 【摘录】《全国中草药汇编》...
The definition & meaning, examples & expressions, synonyms & antonyms, idioms & phrases, similar-form characters and Homophones of 乱草丛生 in HanBook Chinese Dictionary. The Chinese translation of 乱草丛生 is be overgrown with weeds; (the place) is over
luancao 乱草别名:碎米知风草 性味:味淡,性平乱草的功效与作用利尿通淋,凉血止血。 乱草主治治热淋,咳血,吐血,衄血。用量30—60g。 乱草药用部位来源于禾本科画眉草属乱草的全草入药。一年生草本,秆直立或膝曲丛生,高30-100cm,直径1.5-2.5mm,具3-4节。叶鞘一般比节间长,松裹茎,无毛;叶舌干膜质,长约...
网络曹春鸾 网络释义 1. 曹春鸾 ...g Zhou);唐吉斌(Ji-Bin Tang);曹春鸾(Chun-Luan Cao);胡志军;崇慧峰. 504-505. 40. 血管内皮生长因子检测标本采集保存条件 …|基于2个网页
( luanchaozhuanyixingai )西医 简介: 全身任何部位的恶性肿瘤均可转移到卵巢,为卵巢转移性癌。卵巢转移性癌占卵巢肿瘤的5%—10%,原发灶位于横膈以下器官者为80%,位于横隔以上器官者为13%。多侵犯双侧卵巢(70%—90%),侵犯单侧卵巢者仅10%。 病理: 按原发病灶的部位,卵巢转移性癌分为两大类:(1)原发癌位...
[Methods] Through the research of ancient and modern documents,botanical characteristics,distribution,investigation of therapeutic effects,field survey and so on.[Results] The origin of GouLuanCao was in accordance with PoPoNa.[Conclusion] The original plant of GouLuanCao should be Veronica didyma ...
Found1papers,0papers with code Capturing Momentum: Tennis Match Analysis Using Machine Learning and Time Series Theory no code implementations•20 Apr 2024•Jingdi Lei,Tianqi Kang,Yuluan Cao,Shiwei Ren This paper represents an analysis on the momentum of tennis match. ...