publicintscore(LuaValue value){switch( value.type() ) {caseLuaValue.TNUMBER:returninheritanceLevels( targetType, value.isint()? Integer.class: Double.class );caseLuaValue.TBOOLEAN:returninheritanceLevels( targetType, Boolean.class );caseLuaValue.TSTRING:returninheritanceLevels( targetType, String.cla...
We should check it with (ngx_msec_t) -1 when setting timeout. But in 64 bits platform, ngx_msec_t is 64 bits. Converting a double number to 64 bits integer would not be overflow in most platforms. And convert a double(Lua number) to int32(int) then to uint64(ngx_msec_t, in ...