--file myapp.lua: example "myapp" modulelocal_M={}--alternatively: local lrucache = require "resty.lrucache.pureffi"locallrucache=require"resty.lrucache"--we need to initialize the cache on the lua module level so that--it can be shared by all the requests served by each nginx worker...
代码仓库:https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-lrucache仓库内含有两种版本实现,api是一致的。纯ffi(resty.lrucache.pureffi)和非纯ffi(resty.lrucache) resty.lrucache 基于lua table 实现缓存 适用于命中率高的情况 (不适合频繁删除元素) resty.lrucache 基于ffi hash 表 适用于命中率较低的情况 文档 双向...
003-init-by-lua.t 004-flush-all.t 005-capacity.t 006-count.t 007-get-keys.t 008-user-flags.t 101-mixed.t TestLRUCache.pm .gitattributes .gitignore .travis.yml Makefile README.markdown dist.ini valgrind.suppressBreadcrumbs lua-resty-lrucache / t/ Directory actions More options ...
lua-resty-lrucache - Lua-land LRU cache based on the LuaJIT FFI. Table of Contents Name Status Synopsis Description Methods new set get delete count capacity get_keys flush_all Prerequisites Installation Community English Mailing List Chinese Mailing List ...
Also, You need to configure thelua_package_pathdirective to add the path of your lua-resty-lrucache source tree to ngx_lua's Lua module search path, as in # nginx.confhttp{lua_package_path"/path/to/lua-resty-lrucache/lib/?.lua;;"; ...
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Files master lib/resty lrucache lrucache.lua t .gitattributes .gitignore .travis.yml Makefile README.markdown dist.ini valgrind.suppress Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. History History
Lua-land LRU Cache based on LuaJIT FFI. Contribute to openresty/lua-resty-lrucache development by creating an account on GitHub.
Why install Luajit, which is not well suited to work with OpenResty?https://downloads.openwrt.org/snapshots/packages/x86_64/packages/has the required packages: nginx-mod-lua-resty-lrucache, nginx-mod-lua-resty-core and luajit2 but they are not compatible with OpenWrt version 23.05.4. I...