engine 在等 lua_processor 的return 而不是 sub_processor 的 結果 noop : a 往下個processor 送 accept : 處理 context ( push_input ...) reject: 拒收 終止 前端 不 處理 a 直送 a 到 active app hchunhui commented on Oct 23, 2023 hchunhui on Oct 23, 2023 Owner 指望通过 librime 发送按键...
通过在一个 lua_processor@key_counter 中将每一个按键 key:repr() 存入一个全局列表变量 keys,发现只要是被绑定的一对按键,如 {accept: "Control+g", send: Escape, when: composing},按被绑的键,则两键都会依次存入 keys,即按 Control+g,就会依次存入 Control+g、Escape。方案中 processor 的顺序如下: ...
LuaCommandProcessor Allows for the registration of custom console commands through the global object named commands. Similarly to event subscriptions, these don't persist through a save-and-load cycle. Members add_command(name, help, function) Add a custom console command. [...]...
LUAEMA: A Loop Unrolling Approach Extending Memory Accessing for Vector Very-Long-Instruction-Word Digital Signal Processor with Multiple Register Filesdoi:10.3390/electronics13081425PARALLEL processingDIGITAL signal processingMEMORYLoop unrolling can provide more instruction-level parallelism...
slt2 is a Lua template processor. Similar to php or jsp, you can embed lua code directly. Installation luarocks install slt2 Example localslt2=require('slt2')localuser={name='<world>'}functionescapeHTML(str)localtt={ ['&']='&', ['<']='<', ['>']='>', ['"']='"', ["'...
data_processor.lua This repository has been archived by the owner. It is now read-only. Teaonly/FMD.torchPublic archive Notifications Fork12 Star42 TeaonlyJust backup … Latest commitf3e6c7aon Nov 11, 2016History 1contributor 277 lines (225 sloc)8.81 KB...
command-line Lua table processor (similar tojq) Usage example return{field={number=1,string="str", },advanced={ {a=1,b=2, }, {a=3,b=4,c=11, }, {a=5,b=6, }, }, } #lq .field.number input.lua1#lq '.field | keys' input.luanumber string#lq '.field | values' input....