string.find (s, pattern [, init [, plain]]) Looks for the first match of pattern (see §6.4.1) in the string s. If it finds a match, then find returns the indices of s where this occurrence starts and ends; otherwise, it returns fail. A third, optional numeric argument init spec...
string.len( ‘string’ )string.lower( ‘string’ )string.upper( ‘string’ )string.rep( ‘a’ ,5) ==> aaaaastring.sub( ‘string’ , I , j )string.sub( s,string.find(s,'world') )string.sub函数会提取子串by子串所在字符串的位置下标string.char()string.byte()string.format( ‘%02d:%0...
string.char() string.byte() string.format( ‘%02d:%02d:%02d’ , d , m , y ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 模式匹配(pattern-matching)函数举例介绍: 字符串=>被查找的字符串 子串=>要查找的字符(串) string.find( 'string', 'substr' ) 返回 子串的前后位置 string.find( 'string',...
5) ==> aaaaastring.sub( ‘string’ , I , j )string.sub( s,string.find(s,'world') )string.sub函数会提取子串by子串所在字符串的位置下标string.char()string.byte()string.format( ‘%02d:%02d:%02d’ , d , m , y )
This are around 1000+ file entries that i dont want. I have tried the sting.match to match a pattern and detect only first instance and ignore the rest. So far No luck. ifstring.find(t,"BDMV")thenifstring.match(t,"(.+/BDMV)")thenMovies[#Movies+1] = telseprint("ignor")end ...
3. string 3.1 定义方式 字符串类型定义方式有三种: 代码语言:javascript 复制 s="abc"print(s)s='def'print(s)s=[[gh,多行内容,123]]print(s) 运行结果: 3.2 获取字符串长度 使用#获取字符串长度 代码语言:javascript 复制 print("---")s='abcedf'print(#s) 运行...
-- 2.1 Nil-- 4.3 Control Structures-- 7.2 The Semantics of the Generic for-- 21.1 Basic String Functions-- 21.2 Pattern-Matching Functions-- 21.7 Unicode-- 22.1 The Simple I/O Model 测试输出如下:moose@debian:~/Code/baidu_knowledge/lua_string$ ./lua_string.lua nihao...
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...Console.WriteLine($"First two numbers are 1 and 2, the rest are {string.Join(", ", rest)}");}性能考虑虽然模式匹配提供了极大的灵活性和代码简洁性...例如,复杂的模式匹配可能需要更多的CPU周期来执行。因此,在性能敏感的应用中,应谨慎使用复杂的模式匹配。
Extract substrings by matching a pattern in a string. If a match is found, the captures from ...