方式一:直接安装集成好的Lua For Windows安装包 安装包下载链接http://luaforge.net/frs/download.php/4535/LuaForWindows_v5.1.4-35.exe 安装后的文件目录截图如下: Lua For Windows安装后的文件目录 其中SriTE是官方提供的编辑器,在文本中输入print("hello world") 点击运行,在下方即可运行得到结果 SriTE lua...
执行结果是弹出一个写有Hello,Lua的控制台。 小结:Lua For Windows环境配置及用Editplus作为编辑工具使SciTE支持中文的内容介绍完了,希望通过本文的学习能对你有所帮助!
Lua for Windows is a 'batteries included environment' for the Lua scripting language on Windows.这是在Windows上学习Lua的整套开发环境,包含Installer Lua Interpreter, Lua Reference Manual, Quick Lua Tour Sample, Examples directory, Libraries with documentation. Lua Compiler (luac) Text Editors (SciTE a...
Changed the installer display name to 'Lua For Windows'. 5.1.4-2829/June/2009 - 15th release Fixed SciTE debugger to allow it to debug modules in the same directory as the file using the module. Updated Stdlib to version 11. 5.1.4-2903/Sept/2009 - 16th release ...
Changed the installer display name to 'Lua For Windows'. 5.1.4-2829/June/2009 - 15th release Fixed SciTE debugger to allow it to debug modules in the same directory as the file using the module. Updated Stdlib to version 11. 5.1.4-2903/Sept/2009 - 16th release ...
Lua for Windows 本教程使用的Lua5.3.2 下载地址:http://www.lua.org/download.html 下载解压后: Paste_Image.png 1、新建Build.bat cd src cl/O2/W3/c/DLUA_BUILD_AS_ALLl*.c del lua.obj luac.obj link/DLL/out:../bin/lua532.dll l*.obj...
LuaForWindows_v5.1.4-46.zipEx**ss 上传25.04MB 文件格式 zip lua Lua 点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 所需:1 积分 电信网络下载 dl6finish适配RK3566的buildroot的包文件20241101-2040.tgz 2024-11-19 23:00:39 积分:1 项目-Linux-网络编程-私人云盘 2024-11-19 22:33:23 积分:1 SequoiaDB 巨衫...
print("Contents of file:"); for line in lines do print("\t" .. line) end file:close...
:= int(1e8) for _, t := range text { m[t] = 0 for i := 0; i < ...
andbreakdoelseelseifendfalsegotoforfunctionifinlocalnilnotorrepeatreturnthentrueuntilwhile 这些关键字显然基本上都见过,后续会慢慢遇到。 最后是 Lua 的注释,Lua 也分单行注释和多行注释,单行注释和 SQL 一样以--开头,多行注释则以--[[开头、]]结尾,里面写注释。