Cheat Engine 快捷键 lua,方法一 手动方法第一步: 先通过数值查找到对应的地址,这步可能会需要多次操作,找到值对应的地址第二步: 2.1然后右键,谁改写了地址->点击改变值,只查找到一个汇编命令mov[rsi+18],eax,然后请完成下表。 2
51CTO博客已为您找到关于cheat engine 通用修改器lua脚本的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及cheat engine 通用修改器lua脚本问答内容。更多cheat engine 通用修改器lua脚本相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进
打开Cheat Engine,不用打开进程 按Ctrl + Alt + L,打开lua脚本 跟着就可以开始了,首先来学习一下通过lua来添加地址 local list=getAddressList()// 获取整个CT表对象local rec=list.createMemoryRecord()// 添加地址 通过这两条代码,CT如下图: 可见会添加一条地址,CE中叫MemoryRecord。跟着对这条地址添砖加...
Engine]]functionCloseClick()--called by the close button onClick event, and when closing the formcloseCE()returncaFree--onClick doesn't care, but onClose would like a resultend--TRAINERGENERATORSTOP--
openProcess: Causes cheat engine to open the given processname or id getForegroundProcess: Returns the processid of the current foreground window pause: Pauses the current opened process unpause: Resumes the current opened process getPixel: Returns the rgb value of the pixel at the specific screen...
Cheat Engine. A development environment focused on modding - cheat-engine/LuaXMPlayer.pas at master · cheat-engine/cheat-engine
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