A C# Lua, GLua and Luau parser, code analysis, transformation and generation library. c-sharp parser lua code-generator tokenizer code-analysis glua ast-transformations lexer luau garrysmodlua roblox-lua lua-lexer Updated Sep 28, 2024 C# Vurv78 / Autorun-rs Star 109 Code Issues Pull re...
lcode.c // Code generator for Lua lcode.h // Code generator for Lua ldblib.c // Interface from Lua to its debug API,调试 ldebug.c // Debug Interface,调试 ldebug.h // Auxiliary functions from Debug Interface module,调试 ldo.c // Stack and Call structure of Lua ldo.h // Stack ...
c-sharp parser lua code-generator tokenizer code-analysis glua ast-transformations lexer luau garrysmodlua roblox-lua lua-lexer Updated Sep 28, 2024 C# HAKANKOKCU / Birdy-Roblox-Place-Explorer Star 81 Code Issues Pull requests Basically i tried to recreate DEX lua exploit roblox dex roblox...
【问题5】Error-26608: HTTP Status-Code=504(Gateway Time-out) 解决办法: 1.在Vuser Generator中的Tools--->Recording Options...--->Recording--->HTTP-based script--->HTML Advanced按钮--->在Script type中选择A script containing explicit URLs only(e.g.web_url,web_submit_data)点击“ok”即可 2...
是为了让你更优雅的C里面撸汇编的一个工具,我记得以前看过一个老外的blog对比过同样功能的jit code generator的语法,Luajit的作者显然品位还是很高的。我们先来看看如果不用工具硬生生撸代码的话会发生什么。1、你往一段内存里面写0xB8,0x00,0x01...2、你在文件里定义好多label,写个copy section的宏往内存里面...
luaK_codek(fs, fs->freereg,luaK_intK(fs,1)); luaK_reserveregs(fs,1); } forbody(ls, base, line,1,1); } 可以看到,判断是走数值for循环解析,还是走泛型for循环解析,是根据 for 后面第一次出现 ',' 还是 '=' 决定的。 从fornum函数中看到,for var=exp1,exp2,exp3 do默认会生成三个变...
Keygenis short for Key Generator. It means a small program that can generate an activation code, serial number, license code or registration number for a piece of software. A keygen is made available by crack groups free to download. If you search a site for Vslua Keygen, you may see th...
[luna-gen]- Automatic lua binding-code generator. Fully-featured, fast compilation and execution speed, human-readable output codes, and no boost dependency. [Lutok]- Lightweight C++ API for Lua. Lutok provides provides thin C++ wrappers around the Lua C API to ease the interaction between ...
“A No-Frills Introduction to Lua 5.1VM Instructions”is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike License 2.0.You are free to copy, distribute and display the work,and make derivative works as long as you give the original author credit,you do not use ...
expdesc e =newexpdesc();intnvars =4;/* gen, state, control, plus at least one declared var */intline;intbase = fs.freereg;/* create control variables */this.new_localvarliteral(RESERVED_LOCAL_VAR_FOR_GENERATOR);this.new_localvarliteral(RESERVED_LOCAL_VAR_FOR_STATE);this.new_localvar...