and because of fear of further reprisals against his family, Zhou Zhangshou and Zhou Kuishan were sent into hiding at the homes of maternal relatives in the countryside; the third brother, Zhou Jianren, was too young to be sent away. The experience became a traumatic memory for him: "I ...
Uncle Jianren (i.e. Zhou Jianren, Lu Xun’s third brother) told it to me this way: before his death, father’s tuberculosis had become quite serious, so [his] American friend Smedley engaged an American pulmonary specialist Dunn to come and examine him. Madame Sun Yat-sen (Soong Ching-...
1) Lu Xun and his brothers 周氏三兄弟1. I have fond he had connection with Lu Xun and his brothers:“Love four formula” with Lu Xun; Estheical philosophy and Hate with Zhou Zuoren;Sex history with Zhou Jianren. 通过梳理张竟生的学术观点与毁誉因果 ,发现与周氏三兄弟不无关系 :“爱情四...
(1984; originally published in Chinese, 1959). One of Lu Xun’s brothers recounts their family’s story inZhou JianrenandZhou Ye,An Age Gone By: Lu Xun’s Clan in Decline(1988). Specific aspects of Lu Xun’s life and work are explored inWilliam A. Lyell, Jr.,Lu Hsün’s Vision ...