近日,一段LTV XC-142倾转机翼垂直起降验证机的试飞镜头,在社交平台X上引发关注。这架全动机翼实验性飞机于1964年建造,当时美军对起降时间较短的飞机非常感兴趣。而LTV XC-142不仅能够满足这一点,同时还能搭载大量货物,实现长距离飞行。
This is the FS2002 VTOL aircraft LTV Vought Ryan XC-142 by Alexander van Hien. The package features a new static VC (non-functional gauges) and new VTOL smoke effect. In addition, now the graphic issue of the transparent propellers with engines turned off has been fixed. Original model by...
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