求助 LTspice中可以搭建分段函数的流控电压源吗 就是根据当前回路电流判断应该输出多少电压 ...
unittests .gitignore .readthedocs.yaml LICENSE Makefile README.md make.bat pyproject.toml Repository files navigation README GPL-3.0 license README PyLTSpice is a toolchain of python utilities design to interact with LTSpice Electronic Simulator. It is mostly based on the spicelib pa...
LTspice also features other advanced simulations including steady state detection, turn-on transient response, step response, efficiency/power computations, and other advanced analysis options. To learn more about the waveform viewer and/or advanced simulation techniques, please see the following Additional...
Der Step-Down -Konverter ( = Abwärtswandler) 74 12. Achtes Projekt: Phasenanschnitt-Steuerung mit Thyristor 76 12.1. Das eingesetzte Thyristor-Modell 76 12.2. Schalten von Ohm‘schen Lasten 77 12.3. Schalten von induktiven Lasten 78 12.4. Zündung des Thyristors über einen Gate-...
Richard Anslow is a senior manager, working in the field of software systems design engineering within the Industrial Automation Business Unit at Analog Devices. His areas of expertise are condition-based monitoring, motor control, and industrial communication design. He received his B.Eng. and M....
due to Johnson, shot and flicker noise. The output data is noise spectral density per unit ...
For this simulation, we will leave R2 and R4 fixed at 100 kΩ; this prevents variations in AV. We will degrade the circuit’s matching by applying the Monte Carlo function to the values of R3 and R5. As indicated by the “step” SPICE directive, one simulation consists of 100 runs...
The output data is noise spectral density per unit square root bandwidth.这是一种频域分析,用于计算约翰逊噪声、散射噪声和闪烁噪声引起的噪声。输出数据为每单位平方根带宽的噪声频谱密度。Syntax: .noise V(<out>[,<ref>]) <src> <oct, dec, lin> <Nsteps> <StartFreq> <EndFreq>语法:.noise V([...