Step 5: Run the Simulation It seems straightforward, but LTspice requires multiple production steps to produce the Bode plot. The first step isRun the Simulation, which does not yield (yet) the plot, but instead shows normal scope voltage and current measurements. Follow the next steps...
Example B: “.step param X .1u .3u .1u” steps the parameter X from 0.1u to 0.3u in 0.1u increments. Figure 1. LTspice IV: Using the .STEP Command to Perform Repeated Analysis. Once you run and view your simulation results in the waveform pane you can review the step information o...
Step One - create a new LTspice symbol (.assy) A new version of the PMOS symbol is required. It needs to have an additional pin. Pin 4 is junction temperature control. From theFilemenu clickOpen Set the file type to.assy Navigate the files on your PC till you find the LTspice .assy...
I made the variable load resistor and have it working with .step param Load .5 .1 .01, which starts at .5 ohms and ends at .1 ohms in .01 increments. I want to measure the current in the Load resistor, record the current at each step, and graph it out with current on the vert...