.modelNPNNPN(Is=1e-12Vaf=100Bf=100Ise=1e-12Ne=1.5) .tran0.1ms10ms .acdec101100k .end 5.1.4仿真设置 在LTspice中,我们使用.TRAN指令进行瞬态仿真,以观察放大器的动态响应。同时,使用.AC指令进行频率响应分析,以评估放大器的性能。仿真设置包括时间步长和仿真时长,确保仿真结果的准确性和可靠性。 5.1...
Just came to say the same. Note that Ib is slightly negative, which means current flowingoutof the base - this means the base is reverse biased and the opamp tries to pull it down, but this doesn't have much effect on NPN. The unlabeled node at -4.1V is probably the output of the...
the circuit misses on: - a gnd node as reference for LTspice ... LTSpice doesn´t like floating circuits - misses on a load (connected to gnd) - misses on a resistor from the OPAmps In+ to gnd as a dc-input-bias-path regards Calvin...
If you use a suffix 'M' LTSpice expects a whole load of mosfet related parameters to follow. Likewise with a transistor, it expects transistor characteristics to follow. If you use the suffix X, it expects a subcircuit made up of simpler .model statements. You dont have any of this. In...
It does not explain the relationship between model parameters and other circuit specifications. It does not explain why one should or should not use the "uic" option, which as I discovered has a major effect on results. If you know of a good manual, tutorial or other document that explains...