After digging around a bit in the LTSpice files, I found that the file LTC1.lib contains a lot of subcircuits including LT1715. I copy-and-pasted those lines into a separate file which I called LT1715.mod, however when I try to use that model (together with a symbol with enough pins)...
Set the file type to.assy Navigate the files on your PC till you find the LTspice .assy files. In my case they are are at: C:\Program Files\LTC\LTspiceXVII\lib\sym Open the PMOS.assy symbol Move the labels out of the way by dragging with thehandtool ...
Infineon LTspice models. Hi everyone. I have been working with LTspice for a while. I am trying to simulation a DC-DC BUCK converter with Infineon MOSFETs but I got time step too small issue. I tried all the MOSFET from the OptiMOS5.lib file and got the problem with all the MOSFET ...
I have been working with LTspice for a while. I am trying to simulation a DC-DC BUCK converter with Infineon MOSFETs but I got time step too small issue. I tried all the MOSFET from the OptiMOS5.lib file and got the problem with all the MOSFET in this .lib. Note: If I took a ...
1 先把 第三方库放到项目里面 如下图 可以直接放到通过自己工程目录直接放入,也可以通过Import Module 的方法放入 通过 Import Module 放入,如下图 放入之后 然后点击点击File -->Project Structure 之后步骤看下图 然后点击+ 选择第三个(我们这里导入的是代码所以就选择第三个) 然后 然后会回到设置点击应用在点击...
Welcome to AAC. Please post a copy of the LTS asc file that’s showing the problem. E Hi, I want to use the SPDT for my circuit but my switch is showcasing the error. I thing I have to add the lib file but dont know how to do that. I am new to LTspice so please pardon...
To use a Coilcraft Inductor saturation model simply select the place component icon and navigate to the Coilcraft Saturation Models folder which can be found in \Coilcraft\Power_Inductors Once a series has been selected place the part into your circuit ...
These models can be found inlib/cmp/where there are severalstandard.<extension>files. Each extension is a different component type. Each component type has its ownCONSTRUCTOR()which you can observe in the file. Any models added to these files should also use the same constructor. ...
Here follows a quick outlook on how to use each of the tools. More comprehensive documentation can be found in LICENSE GNU V3 License (refer to the LICENSE file) RawRead The example below reads the data from a Spice Simulation called "TRAN - ...
also how do i post my schematic so it can then be viewed by others? Click to expand... hi, As a newcomer to LTS I'm still studying. I have noticed in this example the name of the device differs from that within the lib description. I have edited the lib file: The text was. ...