“语言云” 以哈工大社会计算与信息检索研究中心研发的 “语言技术平台(LTP)” 为基础,为用户提供高效精准的中文自然语言处理云服务。使用 “语言云” 非常简单,只需要根据 API 参数构造 HTTP 请求即可在线获得分析结果,而无需下载 SDK 、无需购买高性能的机器, 同时支持跨平台、跨语言编程等。2014年11月,哈工大...
语言技术平台(Language Technology Platform,LTP)是哈工大社会计算与信息检索研究中心历时十年研制的一整套开放中文自然语言处理系统。 LTP制定了基于XML的语言处理结果表示,并在此基础上提供了一整套自底向上的丰富、高效、高精度的中文自然语言处理模块 (包括词法、句法、语义等5项中文处理核心技术,在多次国内外技术评测...
语言技术平台云LTP-Cloud收集.pdf,简介 语言云新版 API是REST 风格的 WEB API 调用服务, REST API 服务有诸多优点,这使得它越来越流行。应 用于语言云服务中,主要有如下特点: 免SDK 安装 :REST API 的调用无须用户下载 SDK ,使得语言分析更为便捷。 结果表示格式丰富
old LTP Cloud SDK. This project is no longer under maintainance - ltp-cloud-sdk/C++/src/__ltpService/LTPService.cpp at master · HIT-SCIR/ltp-cloud-sdk
rLTP: R Interface to LTP-Cloud Service H Tong 被引量: 0发表: 2015年 Modulation of both the early and the late phase of mossy fiber LTP by the activation of beta-adrenergic receptors. cAMP and the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) are required in the mossy fiber pathway for both the...
SRCDIR_INSTALL_SCRIPTS := IDcheck.sh runltp runltplite.sh ver_linux SRCDIR_INSTALL_READONLY := Version SRCDIR_INSTALL_TARGETS := $(SRCDIR_INSTALL_SCRIPTS) $(SRCDIR_INSTALL_READONLY) # # If we are in git repository, use git describe to indentify current version, # otherwise if download...
A Novel Method of Face Recognition Using Lbp, Ltp And Gabor Features Face recognition has received a great deal of attention from the scientific and industrial communities over the past several decades owing to its wide range of applications in information security and access control, law enforcement...
A Comparative Study of Color Spaces for Cloud Images Recognition Based on LBP and LTP FeaturesThe texture classification problem is widely applied for ground-based cloud images recognition due to its efficiency. Local Binary Pattern and its variants are usually investigated to represent cloud......
1、dubbo: zookeeper + dubbo + springmvc/springboot 官方地址:http://dubbo.apache.org/#!/?lang=zh-cn 配套 通信方式:rpc 注册中心:zookeper/redis 配置中心:diamond 2、springcloud: 全家桶+轻松嵌入第三方组件(Netflix 奈飞) 官网:http://projects.spring.io/spring-cloud/ ...
DELETE: /v2.0/cloud/timer/device/{device_id}/batch Request parameter Parameter nameTypeINRequiredDescription device_id String path true The device ID. timer_ids String query true The ID of the specified scheduled task. Multiple IDs are separated with commas (,). Example: 1***,2***. Retu...