Ltm (Last Twelve Months) 是截止过去 12 个月的总收入或利润指标。在股票市场中,ltm 通常用于计算净收入、利润、营业额和财务指标等方面。它是一种常用的衡量公司财务表现的方式,用于观察公司的经营状况和未来发展趋势。ltm 在股票分析中的应用 在股票分析中,ltm 通常用于衡量股票的估值。通过计算公...
表盘LTM是指“Last Twelve Months”的简写,中文翻译为“过去十二个月”。在财务会计和企业经营中,表盘LTM通常用来表示企业在过去十二个月内所获得的营收、利润、现金流等财务指标表现。通过这种方式,企业管理层可以更加全面了解企业在一年内的业绩表现,帮助他们制定更明确的财务计划和战略规划。表盘LTM是...
LTM 在财务分析中的应用及其对企业绩效评估的重要意义 LTM,即过去 12 个月(Last Twelve Months),在财务分析中是一个十分重要的概念和工具。它通过整合企业过去一年的财务数据,为分析企业的财务状况和经营成果提供了全面且及时的视角。 首先,在营收分析方面,LTM 数据能够平滑季节性波动的影响。例如,某些行业在特定季节...
LTM (Last Twelve Months), also sometimes known as the trailing or rolling twelve months, is a time frame frequently used in connection with financial ratios, such asrevenuesorreturn on equity(ROE), to evaluate a company’s performance during the immediately preceding 12-month time period. This ...
The term “Last Twelve Months” (LTM) originates in the finance world. This timeframe is used to evaluate companies’ performance over the most recent 12-month period, rather than just relying on annual reports. LTM, also sometimes called the trailing or rolling twelve months, has become an...
LTM指的是“Last Twelve Months”,意为最近十二个月的时间周期。因此,市盈率LTM特指在过去一年时间周期内公司的股票交易价格与其每股收益之间的比率。通过这种方式,可以消除某些季度性的业绩波动对市盈率计算的影响,更能反映出公司在一段较长时期的稳定盈利状况。这在分析公司价值和发展前景时...
过去12个月的息税折旧摊销前利润,LTM就是Latest Twelve Months的简写
- Last Twelve Months NTM - Next Twelve Months 其次, P/EPS 即 Price / Earning per share,中文即市盈率 最后,P/LTM EPS 以及P/NTM EPS 对应 过去12个月市盈率和未来12个月市盈率 18x和19.7x分别为倍数,意义是:以未来盈利预测计算当前股价比历史略偏贵了。希望我表达的让你明白了~~
LTM (Last Twelve months) is also titled trailing or rolling twelve months (TTM). It accounts for the company’s financial performance by going through the financial ratios such as debt to equity, returns on equity, etc. LTM assesses the performance of the company for the immediately preceding...
The last twelve months (LTM) is also called trailing twelve months (TTM) or rolling twelve months. Investors may look at your LTM revenue, EBITDA, or annual recurring revenue (ARR) as the basis for a backward-looking valuation.