第5章LTI系统的MATLAB辅助丧计与仿真5.1控制系统工具箱的使用5.2 LTI模型数组 5.3 LTI系统分析和设计的图形操作环境 5.4 LTI控制系统的设计实例lt; Back5.1控制系统工具箱的使用5.1.1创建LTI模型对象
% % if the system is observable then compute the restricted system equivalence systems by QR descomposition disp('Simulation') for k=1:50/Te % Time counter t(k+1)=t(k)+Te; % input if t(k)<7 u(k+1)=1; else u(k+1)=5; end % % the differentials equations can be solved by ...
关键词:连续时间LTI系统;MATLAB软件;GUI界面设计;时域分析;仿真设计 中图分类号:TN914;TP391.9文献标识码:A文章编号:1003-5168(2015)03-0043-3 TimeDomainAnalysisandSimulationDesignofContinuousTimeLTI SystemBasedonMATLAB YuanLige 1 HaoYangzhou 2 CuiYangwei 3 (1.WanfangCollegeofScienceandTechnologyHenanPolytechn...
Create and Display the Closed-Loop System After designing a compensator, you can export it to the MATLAB workspace and create a model of the full closed-loop system. To export the tuned compensator: In the app, select Export. In the Export Model dialog box, select C, the compensator you ...
xe=[ 1 5 3 0]'% intial stimated states ye(:,1)=C*xe % compute the initial output t(1)=0;% initial time u(1)=0; % observer gains % % if the system is observable then compute the restricted system equivalence systems by QR descomposition disp('Simulation') for k=1:50/Te %...
1、 连续时间LTI系统的频域分析一、实验目的1、掌握系统频率响应特性的概念及其物理意义;2、掌握系统频率响应特性的计算方法和特性曲线的绘制方法,理解具有不同频率响应特性的滤波器对信号的滤波作用;3、学习和掌握幅度特性、相位特性以及群延时的物理意义;4、掌握用MATLAB语言进行系统频响特性分析的方法。基本要求:掌握...
PI-based implementation for modeling and simulation of the continuous-time LTI system and its Matlab-Simulink-based applicationThe continuous-time linear time-invariant (LTI) syYangHunan Univ Sci & TechnolZong-ChangHunan Univ Sci & TechnolComputer Applications in Engineering Education...
dt2dt编写的MATLAB范例程序,绘制系统的幅度响应特性、相位响应特性、频率响应的实部和频率响应的虚部。程序如下: % This Program is used to compute and draw the plots of the frequency response % of a continuous-time system b = [1]; % The coefficient vector of the right side of the differential eq...
假设给定一个连续时间LTI系统,下面的微分方程描述其输入输出之间的关系 编写的MATLAB范例程序,绘制系统的幅度响应特性、相位响应特性、频率响应的实部和频率响应的虚部。程序如下: % Program3_1 % This Program is used to compute and draw the plots of the frequency response % of a continuous-time system b ...