[琴桥拾音器] Seymour Duncan Black Outs 主动拾音器 [拾音器类型] 主动封闭式 [电路设计] 两个音量钮,一个音调钮,三档拾音器开关。 [可否切单] 不可以切单 [卷弦器] Grove原厂卷弦器 [琴颈宽度] 1.69英寸 (43.00mm) [琴颈连接] 插接式(一体式) [琴颈手感] 类似于Fender [琴体包边] 有包边 [琴体形状...
在EC-FR黑金属型号上增加了FR 1000琴桥。这款吉他还具有不锈钢品丝,单个直接安装的Seymour Duncan Blackened Black Winter拾音器,以及音量旋钮上的推拉控制钮,用于线圈分离。 EC-FR BLACK METAL BLACK SATIN 现在,我们更极端的吉他形状之一已在F黑色金属系列的Black Metal系列中占有一席之地。它是琴颈通体设计,带有超...
该LTD GB-4 ,现在进来复古白色。这款低音提琴提供了沼泽枫木琴体,枫木琴颈,金色金属配件,Gotoh 404BO-4琴桥和Seymour Duncan SSB-4拾音器,并带有出色的音调EQ控件,包括拍手开关。价格低廉的高品质LTD AP-204现在以凉爽的深色金属紫色涂层提供。它具有螺栓固定式结构以及一组ESP设计的LDP和LDJ有源拾音器。 GB-4 VI...
The LTD SN-1000 HT comes loaded with a rocking Seymour Duncan Pegasus/Sentient Humbucker set. In the bridge position, the Pegasus has impressive sonic clarity, due to its custom-wound coils and Alnico V magnet. In the neck position, the Sentient produces a PAF-style sound with an added lay...
大家都知道ESP在生产工艺和选材方面是极其严格的,主要表现在精心选材:ESP尽可能的寻找世界各地最高档的木材并进行精细加工处理,这会使吉他的共振更好更持久音色更饱满;拾音器主要选用著名的"SEYMOUR DUNCAN"和"EMG"的高档产品音色更加纯正;颤音及调弦系统选用"FLOYD ROSE"的经典型号确保了产品的精确度;手工制造:要确保...
音色视听 请点击视听列表: LTD EC-1000 FM 商品信息 参数配置 [价格] 5001-8000 [琴颈材料] 桃花心木 [指板材料] 玫瑰木 [拾音器配置] Seymour Duncan JB(B)/ '59(N)p.u. 实物图片2001-2015®《名屋乐器》版权所有 电话:028-85442491 传真:028-85044655 臻品手工吉他陈列室预约电话:028-85436697 蜀...
a Seymour Duncan '59 model that gives you creamy PAF tone with slightly scooped mids and more than enough attitude for hard rock. It's the perfect laid-back complement to the Duncan JB model pickup at the MH-1000NT's bridge, whose much hotter output lets you slam on the throttle for ...
球大婶 分享241 通利琴行音频乐器之家吧 mikolinlin ESP LTD EC401VF seymour dancan电吉他"掌握音符,释放灵感!ESP LTD EC401VF搭载Seymour Duncan拾音器,散发出无限音色可能,让你的音乐之旅充满激情与创意。让指尖跃动的弦音,唤醒心灵深处的音乐火花。 #音乐探索 #灵感传递"ESP LTD EC401VF seymour dancan进口...
The SN-1000HT has a Seymour Duncan Sentient/Pegasus pickup set that is splittable with a push-pull control, and a Hipshot fixed bridge. The SN-1000FR comes in an H/S/S pickup configuration, with two Seymour Duncan Hot Strat single-coils and a Pegasus in the bridge, as well as a ...
we have some phenomenal new EC-1000 additions to the LTD Deluxe series. TheEC-1000 Blue Natural Fadehas a burled poplar top on a mahogany body with a three-piece mahogany neck and Macassar ebony fingerboard. This guitar includes a set of Seymour Duncan Sentient (neck) and Pegasus (bridge)...