Come January, it is time to claim your annual reimbursements such as medical and leave travel allowance (LTA). These reimbursements are as good as tax savings. The difference being that you submit the required bills and treat them as tax-free income If LTA forms a part of your salary, the...
ONE ACT PLAY WRITING COMPETITION Winners Announced! Scenes from an Apocalypse Close Your Eyes Blessed Thorn Thanks to the LTA One-Acts Play Reading Committee! Thank you to the amazing LTA One-Acts play reading committee, who read 114 scripts over the course of eight weeks, and completed a ...
signed and sent off in an envelope, to reach the client in a few days time. The simple act of creating correspondence was an involved task and physical evidence of the act remained on thepaperfile. Communication was slow, formal and tangible. Whenever a bill was drawn ...
House Rent Allowance is exempt under section 10(13A) of income tax Act subject to certain conditions. The form asks for amount of Rent paid, name and address of the landlord and PAN number of landlord in case the annual rent paid is more than Rs one lakh. You need to furnish rent rece...
The Louisville Tutoring Agency (LTA), founded byMoshe Ohayon of Louisville, KY, is a premier tutoringand learning center, designed to give students the tools and educational foundation they need to succeed. Whether it’s mastering high school chemistry or getting higher ACT scores, LTA’s indivi...
Leave Travel Allowance (LTA): Find out the meaning, eligibility, claiming process, exemption limit, section, and stay updated with the latest developments.
(1) to accept engagement by citizens, legal persons or other organizations to act as legal counsel; (二)接受民事案件、行政案件当事人的委托,担任代理人,参加诉讼;(2) to accept authorization by a party in a civil or administrative cases to act as agent ad litem and participate in the ...