Start an LT Test Operation URI Description POST /y1731/createLTTest Start an LT test. Request example <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <createLTTest> <testName>lt_trace</testName> <mdName>md1</mdName> <maName>ma1</maName> <mepId>1</mepId> <rmepId>2</rmepId> ...
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <deleteLTTest> <testName>lt_trace</testName> </deleteLTTest> 请求中元素说明如表25-56所示。 表25-56 请求中元素说明 元素 描述 testName 删除LT检测的名称,必选参数。 响应示例(XML格式): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rpc-reply...
海思SDK版本:Hi3531DV200_SDK_V2.0.0.3 我们的AD换成了LT6911C,他的默认输出格式为YUV422 8BIT(需要用USB转IIC下载龙讯固件)。 一、 硬件的配置 1) AVDDIO_MIPIRX电压设置,这是3531dv200的VI电压输入,一般是1.8V和3.3V,MIPI只能使用1.8V,需要改灵派核心板上的0欧电阻。 2)MIPIRX_CMOS_MODE_1,MIPIRX_...
[新闻直播间]2020年全国春运最后一天 铁路18日发送旅客90万人次来源:央视网2020年02月19日 04:16 网络开小差了,请稍后再试 往期 片段 [新闻直播间]破获特大非法猎捕珍贵濒危野生动物案2020-02-19 04:44:54 [新闻直播间]中央气象台 19日西南西北有降雪 中东部气温回升2020-02-19 04:44:53 [新闻直播间]...
Support Home Products Software and Drivers Diagnostics Contact Us Business Support My HP Account 1Identify 2Download 3Install Welcome to Software and Drivers for There is no software or drivers available for your product. Country/Region:Lithuania...
Stop an LT test. Request example <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <stopLTTest> <testName>lt_trace</testName> </stopLTTest> Table 25-54 describes elements in requests. Table 25-54 Elements Element Description testName Specifies an LT test name. This element is mandatory. Respons...
Stop an LT test. Request example <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <stopLTTest> <testName>lt_trace</testName> </stopLTTest> Table 25-54 describes elements in requests. Table 25-54 Elements Element Description testName Specifies an LT test name. This element is mandatory. Respons...
Start an LT test. Request example <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <createLTTest> <testName>lt_trace</testName> <mdName>md1</mdName> <maName>ma1</maName> <mepId>1</mepId> <rmepId>2</rmepId> </createLTTest> Table 24-47 describes elements in requests. Table 24-47 Ele...
This document provides the trap description, attributes, parameters, impact on the system, possible causes, procedures, and references. This document provides a complete set of traps, through which intended readers are kept of the running status of the d