The U.N., China, and North Korea on July 27, 1953, collectively engaged in an armistice to end the Korean War and pull troops out of both countries. The agreement was signed by U.S. Army Lt. Gen. William K. Harrison Jr. from the U.N. Command Delegation and North Korean Gen. Nam...
William K. Harrison Jr. from the U.N. Command Delegation and North Korean Gen. Nam II, representing North Korea and China. Elsewhere, the CIA and British Secret Intelligence Service collaboratively overthrew democratically elected Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in a coup d'etat when ...
Renée A. HarrisonWilliam H. McCarthyMarshall M. UristCharles M. BalchPubMedJournal of Surgical OncologySoong, SJ, Harrison, RA, McCarthy, WH, Urist, MM, Balch, CM (1998) Factors affecting survival following local, regional, or distant recurrence from localized melanoma. J Surg O...
Lt.Pitzer(asWilliamCampbell) (扮演者:比利坎贝尔) Col.WilliamGamble (扮演者:巴克泰勒) Brig.Gen.J.JohnstonPettigrew (扮演者:乔治拉扎贝) Col.E.PorterAlexander(asPatrickStuart) (扮演者:詹姆斯帕特里克斯图阿特) Maj.G.MoxleySorrel (扮演者:基兰马尔罗尼)...
William TongJohn HarrisonRegina BerkeryDavid P. KelsenJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Cancer↵ Saltz LB, Kemeny NE, Tong W et al. 9-Aminocamptothecin by 72-hour continuous intravenous infusion is inactive in the treatment of patients with 5-fluorouracil-refractory colorectal cancer. Cancer 1997 ; 8...
Maj.Gen.JubalA.Early(扮演者:麦金太尔狄克逊) Cap.ThomasJ.Goree(扮演者:IvanKane) Brig.Gen.JamesL.Kemper(扮演者:罗伊斯D.阿普勒加特) Maj.Gen.IsaacR.Trimble,Narrator(asMorgan(扮演者:威廉姆摩根谢泼德) Lt.Col.ArthurFremantle(扮演者:詹姆斯兰开斯特) HenryT.Harrison(扮演者:库珀哈克卡比) Brig....