why does not "/bin/sh cd /root/eos/" work ,but "/bin/sh -c ls && cd /root/eos/" works well in centos thanks.[root@izbp16eo65uiwii1mfm63tz eos]# pwd /root/testeosnode/CryptoKylin-Testnet/docker/eos [root@izbp16eo65uiwii1mfm63tz eos]# /bin/sh cd /root...
@CwhyLs 给我投6【转发】@钟情广播剧:钟情广播剧超话 🪐 #钟情广播剧# 🌟宇宙818之广播剧《钟情》启动音 票 / 选正式开启!pick最让你心动的启动音组,大胆出手,选择就现在!🎁关 注+艾特1名好友转❀,下...
《林ls:我才不坐中间,会被P掉!!! #大雨还在下 #歌手高夫》MV在线看! 海量高清MV在线看,尽在千万正版高品质音乐平台——QQ音乐!
视频简介:本期节目主要内容: 1.习近平同志《论坚持人民当家作主》出版发行; 2.【弘扬伟大建党精神 开创历史新伟业】中国经济实现历史新跨越; 3.习近平总书记祝贺新华社建社90周年的贺信在全国新闻战线引发热烈反响; 4....
accident.A that B which C when D where8 He told me everything ___ he had seen in the factory.A that B which C when D where9 I don’t know the reason ___ she didn’t agree to our study plan.A when B why C who D that10Who’s the man ___ you...
流浪地球哭父子情,星际穿越哭父女情。 刘培强对刘启说等你可以直接看到木星的时候我就回来了。库珀对墨菲说等他回去他们可能就是一样的年纪了。 啊。。。[泪][泪][泪][泪]
A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner D.picnic小题3:Why is breakfast the most important meal? Because___. A.it is the last meal B.there are usually a lot of nice things to eat at breakfast. C.people like to enjoy food before going to work. D.from night to morning ...
A.had B.has C.will have D.are 24.She asked Linda if___ go and get some.A.could she B.she could C.she can D.she may 25.Linda said the moon___ round the earth.A.travelled B.has travelled C.travells D.had traveled26 .What did Mike say?He said ___.A.if you were free t...