This study explores the possible neural networks to improve the accuracy of the financial time-series prediction, while the main focus is to predict the closing price for next trading day. In this paper, we propose a new attention-based LSTM model (AT-LSTM) by combining the Long Short-Term...
For example, they will say the next-day price will likely be lower if the prices have been dropping for the past few days, which sounds reasonable. However, you will use a more complex model: an LSTM model. These models have taken the realm of time series prediction by storm because ...
compile(loss='mae', optimizer=optim, metrics=['mae']) # 打印模型结构 model.summary() 建模结果 2 参考的两篇论文: 论文1: A CNN-LSTM-Based Model to Forecast Stock Prices,尝试复现的 论文2: A CNN-BiLSTM-AM method for stock price prediction,尝试复现的 GitHub...
1))) model.add(Dense(1)) learning_rate=0.002 model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer=Adam(learning_rate)) # 训练模型, y_train, epochs=50, batch_size=64) # 预测未来股价 predicted_prices = model.predict(X_test) predicted_prices = scaler.inverse_transform(pre...
三、结论 在本文中,我们利用LSTM研究了股票价格并将开盘和收盘价可视化。 参考: https:///article/dl/long-short-term-memory https://www./amarsharma768/stock-price-prediction-using-lstm/notebook
Stock price using LSTM and its implementation 原文链接: 编辑:黄继彦 校对:林亦霖 译者简介 王可汗,清华大学机械工程系直博生在读。曾经有着物理专业的知识背景,研究生期间对数据科学产生...
analysis and deep autoencoder network are used to reduce the dimensionality of stock price features, the comparison shows that the information obtained by using deep autoencoder network is more concise, and improvs the prediction accuracy of the LSTM model; in view of ...
predicted_stock_price = model.predict(x_test) # 对预测数据还原---从(0, 1)反归一化到原始范围 predicted_stock_price = sc.inverse_transform(predicted_stock_price) # 对真实数据还原---从(0, 1)反归一化到原始范围 real_stock_price = sc.inverse_transform(test_set[60:]) # 画出真实数据和预测...
Prediction of Amazon's Stock Price Based on ARIMA, XGBoost, and LSTM Models Finding the best model to predict the trend of stock prices is an issue that has always garnered attention,and it is also closely related to investors'inve... Z Zhu,K He - 商业经济研究(百图) 被引量: 0发表:...
plt.title('Stock Price Prediction')plt.xlabel('Time')plt.ylabel('Google Stock Price')plt.legend() 看样子还不错,到目前为止,我们训练了模型并用测试值检查了该模型。现在让我们预测一些未来值。从主df 数据集中获取我们在开始时加载的最后 30 个值[为什么是 30?因为这是我们想要的过去值的...