在MATLAB命令窗口中依次运行以下脚本: data_preprocessing.m emd_decomposition.m kpca_reduction.m lstm_training.m emd_lstm_training.m emd_kpca_lstm_training.m result_comparison.m 注意事项: 确保所有必要的工具箱已安装,特别是 Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox, Signal Processing Toolbox,和 Neural...
data): self.data = data def __getitem__(self, idx): example = self.data[idx] seq = torch.tensor(example[0], dtype=torch.int64) label = torch.tensor(example[1], dtype=torch.int64) return seq, label def __len__(self): return len(self.data) ...
This example uses: MATLAB Coder Embedded Coder Deep Learning Toolbox Open Live ScriptThis example shows how to generate code for a pretrained long short-term memory (LSTM) network that uses the ARM® Compute Library and deploy the code on a Raspberry Pi™ target. In this example, the LST...
你可以试下这个Example (我用的是还没发布的R2021a,这个例子在R2020b是有的,更早的版本就不确切...
Try to test your LSTM network in MATLAB first. Does it match the validation data. If it does, then the issue is with a Simulink model. If your validation data in Simulink does not start at time 0, you need to reset the state of LSTM in State and Predict block by putting this block...
windowSize = 10; % Example window size for i = 1:(height(data) - windowSize) XTrain{end+1} = [data.TimeOfDay(i:i+windowSize-1), data.Latitude(i:i+windowSize-1), data.Longitude(i:i+windowSize-1)]'; YTrain{end+1} = [data.RSRP(i:i+windowSize-1), data.RSRQ(i:i+windowSiz...
I just change my network in order to simulate the example presents in Matlab Documentation, but with my data. It is not anymore what I ask in my previous question, but I try to make it simpler. I want to forecast the hourly water demand in a water system. My data are over 15 mouths...
🍎个人主页:Matlab科研工作室 🍊个人信条:格物致知。 ⛄ 内容介绍 旋转机械运行环境恶劣,振动信号易受外界干扰,因此实现振动状态的异常检测较为困难.神经网络技术能够从大量的振动数据中自动提取故障特征,相对于人工提取故障特征,工作量大为减少.结合长短时记忆(LSTM)网络对时间序列数据具有的超强感知与处理能力...
简介:BO-LSTM回归预测 | Matlab贝叶斯算法优化长短时记忆网络回归预测 ✅作者简介:热爱科研的Matlab仿真开发者,修心和技术同步精进,matlab项目合作可私信。 🍎个人主页:Matlab科研工作室 🍊个人信条:格物致知。 更多Matlab完整代码及仿真定制内容点击👇
PSO_LSTM-Example是一个包含数据集和将LSTM与PSO算法结合的MATLAB代码的文件。粒子群优化(PSO)是一种基于仿生学思想的全局优化算法,用于寻找最优解。长短期记忆网络(LSTM)是一种递归神经网络,适用于处理序列数据。 该示例提供了一个使用PSO算法来优化LSTM模型参数的实例。首先,数据集被加载并预处理,以便用于训练和...