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The MOD11A1 V6 product provides daily land surface temperature (LST) and emissivity values in a 1200 x 1200 kilometer grid. The temperature value is derived from the MOD11_L2 swath product. Above 30 degrees latitude, some pixels may have multiple observations where the criteria for clear-sky ...
hwMplsTeFrrSwitch hwMplsTunnelAdminStatus hwMplsTunnelOperStatus hwMplsSessionTunnelId hwMplsLocalLspId hwMplsIngressLsrId hwMplsEgressLsrId For TE FRR notification. Trap information is output when the primary tunnel switches to the bypass tunnel. This object is implemented as defined in the corres...
hwMplsTeFrrProtAval hwTunnelFrrRouteDBBypassIfIndex hwTunnelFrrRouteDBInnerLabel For TE FRR notification. Trap information is output when the primary tunnel is bound to bypass tunnel. This object is implemented as defined in the corresponding MIB files. Traduzioni Collezioni Scarica il documento ...
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通用充电接口Directive (EU) 2022/2380新指令将于2024年12月28日起在所有欧盟成员国强制实施。其中,对笔记本电脑设备的要求将于2026年12月28日强制实施,在强制日期之后进入欧盟市场的新设备都应满足该指令要求。 Directive (EU) 2022/2380新指令主要内容: ...