一、合同编号: LSSLXFZD-2020-0503-C01 二、合同名称:凉山彝族自治州森林消防支队厨房设备政府采购合同 三、项目编号: 四、项目名称:凉山彝族自治州森林消防支队厨房设备采购项目 五、合同主体 采购人(甲方):凉山彝族自治州森林消防支队 地址: 四川省西昌市航天大道4段35号森林消防支队 联系方式:083***立即查看 ...
摘要: BHM Berg- und Hüttenmnnische Monatshefte - Ziel des im Rahmen der Initiative GBA-Forschungspartnerschaften Mineralrohstoffe durchgeführten Projektes MRI_LssLehm"...关键词: Construction raw materials Loess and loess loam IRIS-Online Statistics Compositional data Raw material geology DOI: ...
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T95X156M6R3LSSL 数据手册 T95 www.vishay.com Vishay Sprague Solid Tantalum Chip Capacitors, TANTAMOUNT™, Hi-Rel COTS, Conformal Coated FEATURES • High reliability; Weibull grading available • Surge current testing per MIL-PRF-55365 options available Available • Standard and low ESR opti...
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Add SSL debug feature. Enhance examples.Release v1.1.1Permit sites with "Chain could not be linked to a trust anchor" such as mqtt.thingstream.io. Add example MQTTS_ThingStream to demonstrate new featureRelease v1.1.0Initial coding for STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1 boards (with 32+K Flash) ...
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竹二EIi≡L∕⅛⅛ξ≡L际如0^ooog÷ooo 9xOOii-OOsrois 哋理OOOH)OO聊丫仰 JS⅛ 00M=Stt "OOOWOZ 005-00/IW刪在OOO卜■?:YSl (S) Z6'0=黑XH't⅛ 000 9=Ig 7. 解 (I)IIl公司的需求方程经过移项为: Q-P =200-0.2 P甲 特=-0∙2∙ Q甲=10()∙ ...