I did not add anything. It was working flawlessly until today. Now this. Log attached please I cannot find what is caused this error. RagePluginHook.log
I downloaded lspdfr several days ago and suddenly I don't how to make it work at all and I am confused and need Professional Suggestions and opinions. Much would very greatly appreciated . Thanks Hello, In what order did you download LSPDFR, RPH, and ScripthookV? Also, can ...
After LSPDFR is loaded, go on duty, and then SWLCallouts will automatically get loaded and start giving you calls. You'll now get callouts over time. You can also force callouts with the RPH console by using the commandStartCallout [CALLOUT-NAME]. ...
Now go on duty and UnitedCallouts will automatically gets loaded from LSPDFR. You'll now get callouts with the time. You can also force callouts with the RPH console by using the command"StartCallout [CALLOUT-NAME]. Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing ...
Now go on duty and UnitedCallouts will automatically gets loaded from LSPDFR. You'll now get callouts with the time. You can also force callouts with the RPH console by using the command"StartCallout [CALLOUT-NAME]. Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing ...