Left Shift Start/stop traffic Arrow Keys Browse any Interaction menu Enter Select an option from any menu Caps Lock Action F9 Open Court menu Esc Open LSPDFR Menu Related: Where is the Army Base in GTA V How to change keybindings in LSPDFR - GTA V If you don't like the default ...
All noted. I'll limit the help message to traffic stop only. When implementing it, I was mimicking IV's police computer help message. I can see how some may find it annoying. Great! Also just added another point about the Vehicle.IsStolen property in the post above. I'm glad my API...
19.) Welfare Check Request -Someone called the police for a welfare check. Drive to the house and have a look. 20.) Traffic Stop Backup Required -An officer needs backup for a traffic stop. 21.) Hostage Situation Reported -A group of criminals took hostages. We need the Hostage Rescue ...
Go to the GTA V directory, lspdfr, and open the keys file using the notepad. You will change TRAFFICSTOP_INTERACT_Key from E to None and BACKUP_MENU_Key from B to None. Close and save. Afterward, you'll want to go to the lspdfr file under LSPDFR Configurator. Which is in th...
control.When the front tires skid, you lose steering control; the car continues straight ahead even though you turn the steering wheel. The ABS helps to prevent lock-up and helps you retain steering control by pumping the brakes rapidly; much faster than a person can do it.Driving ...
[7/2/2017 12:37:45 AM.143] LSPD First Response: LSPDFR+ API adding new question to Traffic Stop - 2. [7/2/2017 12:37:57 AM.559] LSPD First Response: PeterUCallouts.Main+<>c: Initialize: 349 items now in audio cache [7/2/2017 12:38:01 AM.082] LSPD First Response: Peter...
After reinstalling some stuff, after i type "forceduty" it crashes. And i dont know to how to fix itRagePluginHook.log
yes but i am running microsoft i have never had to turn that off and i used ten computers with lspdfr and windows 10 and never had to do that but i did give the files permissions it does teh same thing i been doing this for like ten years BTW thanks also i think i have to rein...
Hello Lspdfr family. I was playing lspdfr yesterday and watching live pd 🙂 and I noticed that in reality when officer's are on a traffic stop and they call for backup when backup arrives they explain to the officer why they pulled the suspect over the
Hello there, I know this is an old thread but I'm having the exact same issue Kernalbase.dll is the issue, how can I solve this? Thanks for any replies Share https://www.lcpdfr.com/forums/topic/87517-rage-plugin-hook-not-even-starting-the-game/ More sharing options... Followers...